Hey, i'm Kelly

Ill be the friendly face you see behind the camera

I am a Brisbane / Kilcoy based photographer who Loves adventure, My family and I love getting outside, going on trips and going camping, I am a visual story teller always capturing the RAW beauty of life.

My photoshoots should be an experience and comes with memories of their own!

Our Philosophy

Photography is Poetry

Heres the thing, so many people show up stressed to a photo session, This is NOT what I want to happen, this should be a time to have fun, run around and enjoy creating memories with your loved ones. If your an introvert and don't want someone in your face, I get it! i'll give you the space and ease you into the session.
If you want to have a dance party, go for it !! i'll guide you along the way and we'll have a grand ol' time with photo to prove it.

Australian photographer + Visual story teller

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See My Work

“a thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people”